International association against the violence and the kidnapping of minors - English
Associazione internazionale contro la violenza e il rapimento di minori - Italiano
Internationale Vereinigung gegen die Gewalt und die Entführung von Minderjährigen - Deutsch
Association internationale contre la violence et l’enlèvement des mineurs - Français
Work Program of the International Association AIDM, Switzerland
Proposal for a legislative modification of Art. 220 StGB. Basis: Criminal offense prosecuted upon application by the victim or by the state
Proposal for a legislative revision of the ZGB. Basis: divorce law, child protection law, custody law
Prevention program before child abduction according to art. 220 of the Criminal Code, repatriation of the minor after abduction and prevention in case of risk of recurrence after recovery. Basis: verbalized threats or warning signs
Program of effective protection of the child and the guardian before occurrence of a child abduction and after a recovery of the minor
Assistance program for diplomatic legal assistance in foreign countries concerning the tracing and repatriation of a Swiss minor
Preparation of an international legal assistance document. (Enforcement of Swiss court decisions in the foreign country)
Cooperation with all federal and cantonal authorities, as well as with the authorities of the foreign state and with organizations and associations competent in the subject matter
Legal counseling function before, during and after a child abduction, coordinated and executed by competent persons
Psychological and moral counseling before, during and after child abduction, coordinated and carried out by competent persons
Administrative and financial counseling before, during and after child abduction, coordinated and carried out by competent persons
Location of relevant competent persons (lawyers, psychiatrists, etc.) on a national level in each canton and in each relevant foreign country with established risk
Specific information program for the competent authorities at the national and international level (federal authorities, public prosecutors, district courts, police, guardianship authorities, customs offices, lawyers, social services)
Awareness and information program for public opinion through mass media (press, radio, television, etc.)
Program development regarding intergovernmental cooperation of NON-treaty states. Basis: European Convention of 20.5.1980, Hague Convention of 25.10.1980
Program development of an international coordination of legally valid searches for the abducted minor. Basis: I-Search System in the USA
Regular dissemination of information about the work of the International Association AIDM and information
INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION AIDM The President AIDM Davesco-Soragno, September 22, 1989